A Brew for Better Parks

What’s that, a brew for better parks?

We’ve got some good parks but we want to brew for better parks!


Have you ever been to a park in Flower Mound, Frisco, or Allen and thought, “wow, that’s an AMAZING park?” Many North Texas communities have the benefit of 4B sales taxes. These taxes stem from the Development Corporation Act of 1979. And therefore give cities the ability to fund projects typically associated to community development initiatives. Some—but not all—categories include land acquisition, sports facilities improvements, development of park facilities, and transportation. Unfortunately, the City of Denton has already met the two-percent cap on sales tax (with one and a half percent city and a half percent county) with its investment into the DCTA.

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So while Denton residents have champagne taste, our parks are working on a beer budget.


As an effort to develop ongoing additional revenue sources that will help make Denton parks better, we’ve been brewing something great! With the support and collaboration from Denton County Brewing Company (DCBC), we’ve come up with a homerun brew that benefits parks, Triple Play.


The Triple Play beer highlights the partnership between Denton Parks Foundation, DCBC, and Denton Parks and Rec. For every pint sold, a dollar will go to parks! Not only does this beer taste great and do good, but it’s a base for many more seasonal flavors and combinations. We estimate between beer sales and special events we can invest an additional $25,000 + to Denton Parks each year. Additionally, by keeping things local—from wheat to honey—we are adding economic value to small businesses, families, and individuals. Including room for the growth and harvest of ingredients found both locally as well as in our parks, this brew is creating opportunities for collaboration.


Ready to take a swing?

If you’re ready to take a swing at this new brew, become a Friend of the Parks and you’ll gain access to an invitation only tasting event on August 19, 2021. Also, go ahead and mark your calendars for September 1, 2021 for the canning day and official beer launch! Plus, join us in Parktober (formally known as October) for a Park Crawl on October 20, 2021 to try all the brews for better parks.


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